Schulungsunterlagen Microsoft Word 2010 Einführung in Englisch

Table of Contents

1 Preliminary Notes

2 Word Processing Program MS Word 2010

2.1 Starting Word
2.2 The Word screen

3 Executing Commands

3.1 The ribbon
3.2 The File menu
3.3 Icons
3.4 Context menus and toolbars
3.5 Keys (shortcuts)
3.6 Mouse pointer
3.7 Help
3.8 Switching to other programs
3.9 Exiting Word

4 Entering Text

4.1 Paragraph return and paragraph marks
4.2 Spelling and grammar check
4.3 Paragraph
4.4 Automatic line break
4.5 Text with a hyperlink

5 Saving Text

5.1 The Save As Explorer window
5.2 Save and Save As commands
5.3 Default folders and automatic saving
5.4 Backup copy
5.5 Closing a file
5.6 Opening a file
5.7 Creating a new document
5.8 Summary: files and exiting Word

6 Moving Around Within the Text

6.1 Customizing the status bar
6.2 Current cursor position
6.3 Scrolling by page
6.4 Zoom
6.5 Tab key
6.6 Print layout (Print preview)
6.7 Exercises

7 Windows

7.1 Opening multiple documents
7.2 Icons on the taskbar
7.3 Maximize mode
7.4 Switching windows

8 Making Changes to Text (Editing)

8.1 Insert and overtype mode
8.2 Undo changes
8.3 Repeat
8.4 Selecting text
8.5 Deleting text
8.6 Clipboards
8.7 Context menu
8.8 Cutting text
8.9 Copying text
8.10 Pasting text from clipboard
8.11 Find and replace
8.12 Summary: text editing
8.13 Exercises

9 Formatting Text

10 Character Formats

10.1 Bold
10.2 Underline
10.3 Font
10.4 Font size
10.5 Font color
10.6 Reveal formatting
10.7 Transfer format
10.8 Clear formatting
10.9 Summary: character formats

11 Paragraph Formats Part 1

11.1 Measurement unit
11.2 Paragraph formatting types
11.3 Numbering
11.4 Left indent
11.5 Ruler
11.6 Inserting special characters

12 Screen Views

13 Printing Text

13.1 Printer settings
13.2 Printing
13.3 Duplex printing
13.4 Page break

14 Paragraph Formats Part 2

14.1 Manual line break
14.2 Setting the numbering
14.3 Deleting or copying a paragraph mark
14.4 Summary: paragraph formats
14.5 Exercises

15 Additional Exercise

16 Styles

16.1 Creating a style
16.2 Transferring the style
16.3 Changing the paragraph format
16.4 Modifying the style
16.5 The Styles pane
16.6 Office themes
16.7 Summary: styles
16.8 Exercises

17 Text Division (Hyphenation)

17.1 Formatting marks
17.2 Hyphenation options
17.3 Exercises

18 Quick Parts (AutoText)

18.1 Defining a building block
18.2 Using a building block
18.3 Building block name
18.4 AutoCorrect
18.5 Standard text building blocks
18.6 Summary: building blocks
18.7 Exercises

19 Text and Tabs

19.1 Default tab stops
19.2 Tab alignment
19.3 Individual tab stops
19.4 Paragraph format
19.5 Right-aligned and decimal tab stops
19.6 Tabs dialog box
19.7 Summary: tab stops

20 Text with Tables

20.1 Inserting a new table
20.2 Context tools
20.3 Changing the column width
20.4 Moving a table with the mouse
20.5 Using the tab key in tables
20.6 Selecting and formatting cells
20.7 Gridlines and borders
20.8 Table styles
20.9 Inserting columns and rows
20.10 Deleting rows or columns
20.11 Summary: tables

21 Section Formats

21.1 Margins
21.2 Headers and footers
21.3 Summary: section formats
21.4 Exercises

22 Combining Text (Form Letter)

22.1 Data source
22.2 Main document
22.3 Mail Merge Wizard
22.4 Inserting data fields
22.5 Form letter preview
22.6 Printing the form letter
22.7 Summary: form letter
22.8 Exercise

23 Further Options and Overview Tables

23.1 Saving as another file type
23.2 Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
23.3 SmartTags and paste options
23.4 Copying text between two documents
23.5 Collecting and pasting
23.6 Inserting a complete text file
23.7 Copying text with the mouse
23.8 Moving text with the mouse
23.9 Drag & Drop
23.10 Function key configuration
23.11 Additional fields in the status bar
23.12 Shortcuts
23.13 Character set table

24 Subject Index

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