Table of Contents
1 Preliminary Notes
2 PowerPoint Program
2.1 Starting PowerPoint
2.2 The PowerPoint screen
3 Executing Commands
3.1 The ribbon
3.2 The File menu
3.3 Icons
3.4 Context menus and toolbars
3.5 Keys (shortcuts)
3.6 Exiting PowerPoint
4 The First Presentation
4.1 A new presentation
4.2 The views
4.3 Moving in the presentation
4.4 Zooming
4.5 Slide theme
4.6 Exercise
4.7 Slide layout
5 Files
5.1 Folders
5.2 The Save and Save As commands
5.3 Save as another file type
5.4 Closing files
5.5 Opening (loading) files
5.6 Help
5.7 Switching to other programs
5.8 Summary: files and exiting the program
6 Editing Objects
6.1 Insert mode
6.2 Undoing changes
6.3 Repeat
6.4 Selecting text
6.5 Deleting
6.6 Clipboard
6.7 Cut
6.8 Copy
6.9 Pasting an object from a clipboard
6.10 Collecting and pasting
6.11 Drag & Drop
6.12 Copying objects between two files
6.13 Importing an outline file
6.14 Find and replace
6.15 Spell checking
6.16 The Thesaurus
6.17 Summary: editing objects
7 Slide Show
7.1 Setting up a slide show
7.2 Exercise
7.3 Action buttons
7.4 Exercise
7.5 Target group-oriented presentations (custom shows)
7.6 Exercise
7.7 Changing the order of slides
8 Master View
8.1 Formatting text
8.2 Selecting
8.3 Character formatting
8.4 Changing the page title
8.5 Setting the background
8.6 The title slide layout
8.7 Changing the Slide Master
8.8 Summary of the character formats
9 Bulleted Text Lists
9.1 List levels
9.2 Paragraph formatting
9.3 A new slide
10 A Chart
10.1 Excel 2010
10.2 The data sheet
10.3 Data entry
10.4 Context tools
11 Editing the Chart
11.1 Changing colors in the chart
11.2 Changing the chart data range
11.3 Data points and data series
11.4 Chart type
11.5 Title
11.6 Exercises
11.7 Copying the current slide
11.8 Scale
11.9 Exercise
11.10 Gridlines
11.11 Legend
11.12 Formatting the vertical major (Y) axis
11.13 Changing the formatting of the columns
11.14 Changing the appearance of the chart
11.15 Data labels
11.16 Making the chart bigger
11.17 Dragging the chart
11.18 Data table
12 Drawing Objects
12.1 Inserting an arrow
12.2 Inserting a text box
13 Windows
13.1 Opening multiple files
13.2 Switching windows
14 Importing Data
14.1 OLE and DDE
14.2 Dynamic data exchange
14.3 Formatting numbers
14.4 A new chart type
14.5 Exercise
15 Line Chart
15.1 Opening Excel
15.2 Formatting lines
15.3 Making the PowerPoint and Excel program windows smaller
15.4 Changing data in the Excel sheet
16 XY Scatter Chart
17 Printout
17.1 Page view (print preview)
17.2 Headers and footers
17.3 Printing
18 Creating a Drawing
18.1 Editing an object
18.2 Drawing a bridge
18.3 Importing pictures
18.4 Editing imported pictures
18.5 The Picture Tools
18.6 Exercises
18.7 Inserting pictures in the Slide Master
18.8 WordArt
18.9 AutoShapes
18.10 Exercise
18.11 Creating a default animation
18.12 Exercise
19 Organization Chart
19.1 Entering text
19.2 Adding more boxes
19.3 Designing the organizational chart
19.4 Formatting text, text boxes and connection lines
20 Appendix
20.1 Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
20.2 Setting up the status bar
21 Subject Index
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