Schulungsunterlagen Microsoft Access 2010 Einführung in Englisch

Table of Contents

1 Preliminary Notes

1 Preliminary Notes

2 Brief Preface

3 Introduction into Databases

4 Access 2010 Database Program

5 Executing Commands

5.1 The File menu

5.2 Icons

5.3 The ribbon

5.4 Context tools

5.5 Context menus

5.6 Keys (shortcuts)

5.7 Help

5.8 Changing to other application programs

5.9 Exiting Access

6 Creating a New Table

6.1 Preliminary considerations for a new table

6.2 Datasheet view and design view

6.3 Field names

6.4 Data types

6.5 Field properties

6.6 Defining the Suppliers table

7 Editing a Table

7.1 Entering records

7.2 Items of a datasheet view

7.3 Edit and navigation modes

7.4 Modifying the appearance of a table

8 Editing Data

8.1 Copying a table

8.2 Marking

8.3 Undoing modifications

8.4 Insert and Overtype modes

8.5 Deleting data

8.6 Clipboards

8.7 Copying data

8.8 Cutting data

8.9 Pasting data

8.10 Find and replace

8.11 Font design

9 Printing Table Contents

9.1 Print Preview

9.2 Page setup

9.3 Printer setup

9.4 Printing

9.5 Closing a table

10 Modifying the Table Structure

10.1 Copying the table

10.2 Modifying the table design

10.3 Freezing columns

10.4 Editing Yes/No fields

10.5 Editing memo fields

10.6 Setting decimal separators, currency, and date

11 Queries

11.1 Query types

11.2 Setting up a query

11.3 Layout of the query window

11.4 Adding fields to the design grid

11.5 Showing the result of a query

11.6 Dynaset

11.7 Modifying the design grid

11.8 Saving, closing, and opening a query

11.9 Exercise

12 Select Queries

12.1 Criteria for text fields

12.2 Filtering using an operator

12.3 Condition for numerical fields

12.4 Use of wildcards * ?

12.5 Exercises

12.6 Filtering for names that sound identically

13 Query Containing Several Conditions

13.1 Exercises

13.2 BETWEEN value1 AND value2

13.3 Conditions for the date/time type

13.4 Conditions for Yes/No fields

13.5 Criterion for memo fields

13.6 Using queries for calculations

14 Organizing and Filtering Records

14.1 Sorting

14.2 Indexing

14.3 Filtering within the table

15 Action Queries

15.1 Doubling the Sales field contents

15.2 Exercise

16 Forms

16.1 Creating an AutoForm

16.2 Form views

16.3 Modifying the appearance of the form

16.4 Inserting a title

16.5 Entering new records

16.6 Exercise

17 Importing an Excel Spreadsheet

18 Reports

18.1 Report views

18.2 Creating a report

18.3 Modifying the appearance of the report

18.4 Exercise

18.5 Design view

18.6 Report properties

18.7 Report view

18.8 Print preview

19 Linked Tables

19.1 Data redundancy

19.2 Exercises

19.3 Linking tables

19.4 Referential integrity

19.5 Deleting links

20 Database File

20.1 Navigation pane

20.2 Saving, closing, and opening a database

20.3 Creating a new database

20.4 Access file format

20.5 Saving in another database type

21 Appendix

21.1 Specifics of e-mail addressing

21.2 Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar

21.3 Setting the status bar

22 Subject Index

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